ГДЗ Spotlight английский язык 6 класс учебник Ваулина, Дули 2024 Страницы / 87

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ГДЗ Spotlight английский язык 6 класс учебник Ваулина, Дули 2024 / Страницы / 87

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Условие задания

4. Look at Ann’s shopping basket. What did she buy? − Посмотри на корзину с покупками Анны. Что она приобрела?

5. Listen and complete the gaps (1-6). − Послушайте и заполните пропуски (1-6).

6. Look at the receipt. Ask and answer questions. − Посмотри на чек. Задай вопросы и ответь на них.

7. a) Which of the following sentences are true about British food? Decide in pairs. Listen and read and check.

7. b) Read and match the headings with the paragraphs. How many types of food/drinks from Ex. 1 can you find in the text? Then explain the words in bold.

7. c) Find irregular verbs in the text and give their past form.

8. Make notes under the headings in Ex. 7b. Talk in small groups about British cuisine. What did you find special about it?

9. Portfolio: Think of your favorite dish. What do you need to make it? Make a shopping list.
